PCIESCONAda p te r
Installation Guide
Part Number 40-01459-D0-001
129 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington Ma. 01803
(781) 272-8200 Fax (781) 272-0342
Table of Contents• • • •
ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION .............................iii
Who Should Use This Publication ...................iii
How to Use This Publication ...........................iii
What is Included in This Publication...............iii
What’s New in this Release?............................ iv
CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING................... 47
Hardware......................................................... 47
ESCON Configuration .................................... 49
TCP/IP Direct Connect.................................... 51
Step 1: Problem Solving.................................. 53
Step 2: Preparing for the Call.......................... 53
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................ 1
Server Software................................................. 1
Related Documentation..................................... 2
Step 3: Placing the Call................................... 54
Additional Technical Support Resources.... 54
Minimum System Requirements....................... 3
Hardware....................................................... 3
Software ........................................................ 3
Customer Response......................................... 55
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS......................... 57
Installing the Adapter........................................ 5
Windows 2000................................................... 7
Windows NT ................................................... 10
Overview......................................................... 15
Configuration .................................................. 18
Windows 2000................................................. 24
Installation................................................... 24
Deleting a Link............................................ 28
Windows NT ................................................... 29
Link Configuration.......................................... 36
Mainframe Configuration................................ 38
OS/390 Device Definition........................... 38
OS/390 Parmlib Update .............................. 38
TCP/IP Profile............................................. 39
TCP/IP Routing............................................... 41
Sample Configuration ................................. 41
Updating Workstation Configurations ........ 44
Table of Contents i
About This Publication
This User's Guide provides the information necessary to install and configure Bus-
Tech's PCI ESCON Adapter (PBSA) to connect a Server to an IBM Mainframe.
The following terms are used as synonyms for the PCI ESCON Adapter in this
publication and in some software installation screens:
Bus-Tech PCI to ESCON Adapter (PBSA)
ESCON adapter
Who Should Use This Publication
This publication is intended for the system administrator of a server responsible for
configuring the server to communicate with an OS/390, MVS, VM, or DOS/VSE
How to Use This Publication
This publication is organized into distinct chapters. Refer to those chapters specific
to completing the task(s) you are performing
What is Included in This Publication
This User's Guide contains the following chapters:
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - This chapter gives an overview of the PCI
ESCON Adapter implementation, and provides a list of reference
installation of the PCI ESCON Adapter.
CHAPTER 3. DRIVER INSTALLATION - This chapter details installation of
the adapter drivers for Microsoft's Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT
CHAPTER 4. ESCON CONFIGURATION – This chapter details
configuration of the PCI ESCON Adapter for the ESCON environment of the
CHAPTER 5. TCP/IP Direct Connect – This chapter covers installation and
configuration of TCP/IP Direct Connect software.
About This Publication iii
CHAPTER 6. TROUBLESHOOTING – This chapter takes the reader through
some troubleshooting steps to be tried when the adapter is not working
What’s New in this Release?
ꢀ Plug and Play drivers for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server have been added to the
installation kit.
ꢀ Support for NetWare for SAA has been discontinued.
iv PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
The PCI ESCON Adapter from Bus-Tech, Inc. is a high performance adapter that
enables PCI-based systems to communicate with mainframe systems through direct
IBM channel attachment. The ESCON adapter acts as a control unit for Enterprise
Systems Connections (ESCON); providing high speed throughput and excellent
processing efficiencies for applications that require high-speed connectivity between
a server and a mainframe. ESCON channel compatibility is guaranteed by the use of
IBM’s ESCON chipset.
The ESCON adapter can be configured to emulate the architecture of many different
device controllers. The ESCON adapter includes an onboard Intel 960 processor.
The control unit emulations are implemented directly on the 960 processor which
allows the PCI host CPU to focus on data block transfers and not channel interrupt
processing. This efficient, interrupt driven structure is utilized to avoid the CPU
overhead incurred by traditional operating system approaches. To further enhance
processing efficiency, the on-board data buffering capability allows the ESCON
adapter to respond to channel activity even when the PCI bus is temporarily busy.
Data from the channel can be buffered into on-board memory and made available to
the PCI bus when it is available. The use of modular firmware routines allows new
implementations to be developed quickly and proficiently. Due to the modularity, the
channel and PCI interface routines can be easily modified to adapt to changing
hardware and software requirements. The ESCON adapter is designed to
accommodate standardized, mainstream channel applications as well as non-standard
applications that use proprietary data transfer protocols.
Server Software
The PCI ESCON Adapter has been designed to support a wide variety of software
operating environments and communications gateways. Software currently offered
and /or supported by Bus-Tech for use with the PCI ESCON Adapter includes:
- Microsoft’s Host Integration Server (Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
- Microsoft’s SNA Server for Windows NT (Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
- IBM’s Communications Server for Windows 2000 and Windows NT
- Bus-Tech’s TCP/IP Passthrough for Windows NT
- Bus-Tech’s MPC+ for Windows (Windows 2000 and Windows NT)
Introduction 1
Additionally, the PCI ESCON Adapter includes TCP/IP Direct Connect for the
Windows 2000 and NT environments. Direct Connect provides a high-performance,
point-to-point TCP/IP connections between the mainframe and the server’s TCP/IP
stack and can be used with Bus-Tech’s MPC+ for Windows NT to provide High-
Speed Data Access Services (HSAS) and MPC Point-to-Point (MPCPTP)
Related Documentation
Other Bus-Tech documents which may prove useful in administering and maintaining
the PCI ESCON Adapter include:
Document Number
Channel Adapter User’s Guide for Microsoft’s Host
Integration Server and SNA Server
TCP/IP Passthrough for Windows NT User’s Guide
Channel Adapter User’s Guide for Communications
Server for Windows NT and Windows 2000
MPC+ for Windows Installation Guide
where xx is the revision number and will change periodically.
2 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Minimum System Requirements
The minimum hardware requirements for using the PCI ESCON Adapter are:
- Pentium 100Mhz
- 64MB RAM for Windows NT Systems
-128MB RAM for Windows 2000 Systems
- 1 Available PCI BusMaster Slot
- 2 MB Hard Disk Space (for Bus-Tech Drivers)
The supported releases of Microsoft software are:
- Windows 2000 Server
- Windows NT Server version 4.0 with a minimum of Service Pack 3 applied
- SNA Server version 3.0 or 4.0
- Host Integration Server version 1.0
When using a Channel-to-Channel link with TCP/IP Direct Connect the following
minimum operating system release is required:
- OS/390 version 2 release 4
Introduction 3
Installing the Adapter
CAUTION! The PCI ESCON Adapter is a PC adapter card and as such can be damaged by
Electrostatic Discharge. Before removing the adapter from it’s protective static
bag, please ensure that you are free of static charge. At minimum, you should
ground yourself to the system you are using.
The PCI ESCON Adapter is a full size PCI adapter measuring 12.283 X 4.2 inches,
Figure 2-1. The adapter hardware comes pre-configured and is ready to be installed.
There are no jumpers or switches that need setting prior to installation.
Serial Port
Figure 2-1. Bus-Tech’s PBSA Adapter
Installation procedures of the physical adapter vary depending on hardware platform
manufacturer, but have some commonalties among vendors. These steps should
guide you through a successful installation of the ESCON adapter.
1. Ensure the PCI system is powered down. The ultimate assurance of this fact is to
remove the power cable from the rear of the system, where possible.
2. Remove the system cover as outlined by the system hardware manufacturer,
generally by removing the cover screws and sliding off the cover to expose the
interior of the system.
3. Determine an available slot for installation of the adapter. The adapter requires a
full-length PCI slot. Often systems will have PCI slots which will not support full
length adapters because of processor placement. This is especially true of systems
with processor heat sinks or fans. You may have to move adapters already
installed in order to make a full length slot open for ESCON adapter.
Hardware Installation 5
4. Remove the adapter from its protective anti-static bag and insert the adapter into
the chosen PCI bus slot. Make sure the adapter is fully inserted in the slot. Place
a screw through the top of the mounting bracket and securely fasten to the system
5. Replace the system cover.
6. As shown in Figure 2-1, the adapter has two connectors at the card edge; a standard
ESCON connector(top) and a serial port (bottom). Plug the IBM-compatible
ESCON channel cable directly into the ESCON connector. Ensure the cable end is
fully inserted into the socket. You should hear a click as the connector locks into
place. The serial port is for diagnostics and is not used during normal operation.
7. Reinstall the power cable, if removed in step 1, and power on the system.
If your system does not boot successfully or does not power on, ensure that you
have followed these steps or refer to the appropriate manuals for your particular
system referring to adapter installation and power up related troubleshooting.
6 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
The PCI ESCON Adapter offers drivers for Microsoft's Windows 2000 Server and
Microsoft Windows NT Server. This chapter discusses installation of the drivers.
Please refer to the section appropriate to your operating environment.
Windows 2000
Note: Bus-Tech adapters include drivers for both Windows 2000 and Windows NT.
These drivers are different and can only be installed in the appropriate
Windows 2000 Server will automatically detect Bus-Tech’s PCI ESCON Adapter the
first time your server is powered on after installing the adapter. Once detecting the
new adapter, Windows 2000 automatically invokes the New Hardware Wizard in
attempt to install drivers for the adapter.
Follow the Wizard’s installation steps, directing it to search for a suitable driver
(Figure 3-1).
Figure 3-1. Microsoft’s Hardware Installation Wizard
Insert the Windows 2000 PBSA driver diskette into your server’s diskette drive.
Then instruct the Wizard to search the system’s floppy (Figure 3-2).
Driver Installation 7
Figure 3-2. Search the Floppy
The hardware wizard will search the Windows directory and then the floppy disk.
When it finds the PBSA drivers it will prompt you for approval to install (Figure 3-3).
Figure 3-3. Confirm PBSA Driver Install
Windows 2000 will install the new drivers. At the end of installation you will be
prompted by a screen indication the New Found Hardware Wizard is completing
(Figure 3-4). Click Finish.
8 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Figure 3-4. New Found Hardware Wizard Completing
Driver Installation 9
Windows NT
The PBSA network driver is always required in order to allow Windows NT to
communicate with the adapter. The driver must be installed once for each PCI
ESCON Adapter installed in the system. The following step-by-step procedure will
install the driver into your Windows NT Server.
1. From the Windows NT Server Control Panel, open Network (Figure 3-5).
Figure 3-5. Network ICON on Control Panel
2. From the Adapters tab on the Network screen, click on the Add button (Figure
10 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Figure 3-6. Network Screen
3. From the Select Network Adapter screen (Figure 3-7), click the Have Disk...
Figure 3-7. Add Network Adapter
Driver Installation 11
4. The Insert Disk screen is displayed (Figure 3-8).
Figure 3-8. Insert Disk Dialog Box
With the floppy inserted into the floppy drive point to the root directory by
entering "A: " where A is your floppy drive and press OK.
5. The Select OEM Option dialog box will be displayed (Figure 3-9).
Highlight\select the Bus-Tech PCI ESCON Adapter and click OK.
Figure 3-9. Select OEM Option Screen
6. Once the addition procedure is complete, the system will display the ESCON
Configuration screen (Figure 3-10). At this point you may define the ESCON
configuration (see Chapter 4) or click OK to complete the installation (without
defining the ESCON configuration).
12 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Figure 3-10. ESCON Configuration
7. As shown in Figure 3-11, the adapter should now be listed in the Network
Adapters box. Clicking Close will cause the system to configure the network
and prompt you to restart the system.
Figure 3-11. Network Settings Showing PBSA
Driver Installation 13
Figure 4-1. ESCON Attached Controllers
ESCON controllers, including the PCI ESCON Adapter (PBSA), can be connected to
the mainframe in more than one fashion. As shown in Figure 4-1, Controller 1 is
attached directly to one of the mainframe’s ESCON channels. Assuming the
mainframe is running a single Logical Partition (LPAR), this is simplest option for
connecting an ESCON controller to the mainframe. However, connecting an ESCON
controller directly to a mainframe’s ESCON channel in this fashion imposes two
1. Only a single controller can be attached to a mainframe’s channel.
2. The controller is only able to communicate with a single mainframe, the one it
is physically attached to.
An ESCON director overcomes these restrictions by attaching multiple “downstream”
controllers and by supporting multiple ESCON interfaces to multiple mainframes. In
Figure 4-1, Controllers 2 – 4 are connected to the director which is then connected to
two ESCON channels, one on each of two mainframes.
Some mainframes also support multiple, Logical Partitions (LPARs) running on a
single system; logically making the system appear as multiple computers. The
ESCON Multiple-Image Facility (EMIF) can be used in those environments to allow
sharing of ESCON channel paths across partitions. In Figure 4-1, a single channel
path defined between the mainframe and Controller 5 can be shared by both LPAR P1
and LPAR P2 using EMIF.
ESCON Configuration 15
Finally, using both ESCON Directors and EMIF, it is possible for a single ESCON
controller to communicate with multiple Logical Partitions (LPARs) running on
multiple mainframes, using multiple ESCON channels.
Because an ESCON controller may be attached to an ESCON director, which may be
connected to multiple mainframes and Logical Partitions (LPARs), it is necessary to
configure the ESCON controller in order to define how the unit will appear to each
The following information needs to be configured for each logical connection that is
to be supported across the physical ESCON cable:
Device Address – The Sub-Channel address for the device, ranging in value from
00-FF hexadecimal. This address should match that coded in the UNITADD
parameter of the CNTLUNIT macro in the IOCDS. Sub-channel addresses must
be unique across any one partition.
For IBM Communications Server, Microsoft Host Integration Server, Microsoft
SNA Server, or Bus-Tech TN3270E Server a unit address must be configured for
each PU defined in the gateway. These addresses must be coded with
UNIT=3174 in the CNTLUNIT macro of the IOCDS.
For Bus-Tech TCP/IP Passthrough and TCP/IP Direct Connect two adjacent unit
addresses must be defined for each connection. These device addresses must be
coded as UNIT=3088 or UNIT=SCTC in the CNTLUNIT macro in the IOCDS.
For TCP/IP Passthrough the first address of the pair must always be even
numbered; for example: 12-13, 8A-8B, etc.
For MPC+ two or more unit addresses must be defined. These device addresses
must be coded as UNIT=SCTC.
EmulationType – The type of IBM controller this device is to emulate (look like)
to the mainframe. Valid types are "3174" for SNA Gateways (Host Integration
Server, SNA Server, or Communications Server), GENERIC" for TCP/IP
Passthrough, and “MPC” for TCP/IP Direct Connect and MPC+ for Windows.
Control Unit – The control unit address the mainframe will use to communicate
with the controller and the controller will use to identify itself to the mainframe.
Control Unit Address is a hexadecimal number ranging from 0-F. This number
must match that coded in the CUADD parameter of the CNTLUNIT macro in the
IOCDS. Note that CUADD is an optional field in the IOCDS and defaults to zero
(0) if not coded.
16 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Channel Link – The address of the ESCON director port that connects to the
mainframe this device is to communicate with. The value range is from 01-FE
hexadecimal. In Figure 4-2 the mainframe uses a channel link address '02' to
communicate with Server 1. Server 1 uses a channel link address '01' to
communicate with the mainframe. In this example, the Channel Link in the
adapter configuration is set to '01'.
Figure 4-2. Channel Link Address
If no director is used, the channel sub-system will assign an arbitrary LINK
address (usually 01) for the server to communicate with the mainframe. To
ensure the mainframe always selects '01' you should assign '02' to the channel
adapter’s device in the IOCDS. Code the LINK parameter in the CNTLUNIT
macro in the I/O Configuration Data Set (IOCDS) to '02' as shown in the
following example:
CNTLUNIT ...,LINK=(02),....
Then set the channel link '01' in the adapter's configuration.
Logical Partition Address (LPARS) – This is a hexadecimal number ranging
from 0-F identifying the logical partition (LPAR) ID of the Logical partition this
connection is to communicate with. This parameter is only required if EMIF is
enabled. For BASIC mode or LPAR mode non-EMIF, set this field to zero (0). If
EMIF is enabled this number must match the LPAR ID assigned in the Logical
Partition Definition (LPDEF) frame which appears in LPAR mode after a power
on / reset. In LPAR mode the CPU ID contains this number as it's fourth
character. If running the VM operating system, the "QUERY CPUID" command
will display the CPU ID. The fourth character of the CPU ID is the LPAR ID.
The remainder of this chapter discusses how to modify the configuration parameters
for your PCI ESCON Adapter.
ESCON Configuration 17
ESCON configuration may be defined and viewed from any of the upper level
software including the data link service for Microsoft’s Host Integration Server or
SNA Server, data link control for Communications Server, TCP/IP Passthrough,
TCP/IP Direct Connect, or MPC+ for Windows. Clicking a Configure ESCON
button will immediately display the ESCON devices configured for the adapter (see
Figure 4-6) and allow you to add, modify, or remove devices in the list.
In Windows 2000 you may also review the ESCON configuration on the ESCON
Devices tab of the adapter properties dialog; accessed from the Device Manager in
the Windows 2000 Computer Management Utility (Figure 4-3).
Figure 4-3. Accessing ESCON Configuration in Windows 2000
18 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
In Windows NT the ESCON configuration may be accessed through the system
Control Panel. From the main screen of Control Panel double click the Network Icon
(See Figure 4-4).
Figure 4-4. Windows NT Control Panel
Select the Adapters tab (Figure 4-5).
Figure 4-5. Network Adapters List
ESCON Configuration 19
The Bus-Tech PCI ESCON Adapter should be included in the list.
Selecting the Bus-Tech adapter and clicking Properties will bring up the ESCON
Configuration Screen (Figure 4-6).
Figure 4-6. Bus-Tech’s ESCON Configuration Screen
To configure a new device click Add…
Figure 4-7. Add Device Dialog
Complete the Channel Link Address, LPAR, CUAdd, Base Device Address and
Emulation Type fields in the Add ESCON Devices dialog (Figure 4-7) according to
the descriptions of these fields found on pages 16-17 of this chapter. If your
mainframe is configured with ESCON Multiple Image Facility (EMIF) and this
CHPID is defined on the mainframe as shared, then check the CHPID is shared
check box. Enter the number of devices you wish to define. For example, to create
20 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
device A0 and A1, enter 2. Optionally enter a Description to be associated with this
Remember that for TCP/IP Passthrough and TCP/IP Direct Connect CTC connections
you must define two consecutive devices. Additionally for TCP/IP Passthrough the
first device must be even numbered (00, 02, 20, 40, A0, etc.)
Press Add to add the device(s) to the ESCON configuration file. The ESCON
Adapter Properties dialog will re-display, now showing the new devices (Figure 4-8).
Figure 4-8. Adapter Properties with New Devices
To remove a previously defined device, highlight the device and then click Remove.
To edit a previously defined device, highlight the device and then click Modify.
To save a newly created configuration, click OK.
NOTE: ESCON configuration changes do not take effect until the Server has been hard
RESET (or Power Off and Power On).
ESCON Configuration 21
TCP/IP Direct Connect software included with the PCI ESCON Adapter provides
high-performance, point-to-point TCP/IP communications between a Windows server
(Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0) and the mainframe. TCP/IP Direct Connect
operates over Channel-to-Channel (CTC) or Multi-Path Channel Plus (MPC+) links.
TCP/IP Direct Connect is not required and does not need to be installed for TCP/IP
Passthrough for Windows NT, Communications Server, Microsoft’s Host Integration
Server or Microsoft’s SNA Server.
TCP/IP Direct Connect provides an interface compliant with the Network Driver
Interface Specification (NDIS). This allows Microsoft’s TCP/IP stack to
communicate with the ESCON adapter in the same fashion it would use to
communicate with any other network interface card (NIC). TCP/IP applications
running on the server can communicate across the ESCON adapter with peer
applications running on the IBM mainframe (Figure 5-1).
Direct Connect
Figure 5-1. Point-to-Point TCP/IP
Further, when Windows is properly configured for IP forwarding, any client in a
TCP/IP network can gain immediate access to TCP/IP applications and/or services
running on the mainframe (Figure 5-2).
Figure 5-2. Distributed TCP/IP Applications
TCP/IP Direct Connect 23
TCP/IP Direct Connect supports three link types across the ESCON channel:
Channel-to-Channel (CTC), High-Speed Access Services (HSAS) for UDP, or Multi-
Path Channel Point-to-Point (MPCPTP). HSAS and MPCPTP require installation of
MPC+ for Windows (MPC+).
CTC links use two ESCON devices (one for read, one for write) to communicate with
mainframe TCP/IP stacks such as OS/390 TCP/IP, MVS TCP/IP and VM TCP/IP.
These links support simple TCP/IP applications such as Telnet, TN3270, and FTP.
High-Speed Access Services is a MPC+ link specifically designed to work with the
OpenEdition TCP/IP stack provided with OS/390 version 2 release 4 and above.
HSAS provides support for applications using Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP).
The System/390 SAP R/3 implementation uses HSAS TCP/IP to retrieve data from
DB/2 running under OS/390.
MPCPTP links provide full TCP/IP communications over MPC to OS/390 version 2
release 5 and above. Applications such as Telnet, TN3270, FTP, and Web Servers
would use a MPCPTP link to communicate with OS/390 TCP/IP over MPC+.
Windows 2000
TCP/IP Direct Connect provides a setup program for installing itself into a Windows
2000 environment. The setup program may be run as many times as necessary to
provide connection to each TCP/IP stack running on the mainframe.
1. Insert the TCP/IP Direct Connect for Windows 2000 floppy into your systems
drive and invoke the setup program (see Figure 5-3).
Figure 5-3. Running TCP/IP Direct Connect Setup
24 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
2. Click OK when Setup displays it’s Welcome dialog (Figure 5-4).
Figure 5-4. TCP/IP Direct Connect Install Confirmation
3. The TCP/IP Direct Connect Properties dialog will display (Figure 5-5).
Figure 5-5. TCP/IP Direct Connect Properties
You must define the Link type and Link properties in order to complete the
install. Please refer to the Link Configuration section later in this chapter.
4. Once you have defined the Link click OK to continue the install. Installation may
take several minutes depending on your server. An installation complete message
will tell you once the software has been installed (Figure 5-6). Click OK to exit.
Figure 5-6. Installation Complete
5. You must now define TCP/IP properties associated with this link. Remember
Windows views each TCP/IP Direct Connect Link as a network adapter. In the
Network and Dial-Up Connections panel there is now a new Local Connection
TCP/IP Direct Connect 25
defined by the install you have just completed. Right click the connection and
select Properties (Figure 5-7).
Figure 5-7. New Local Connection
6. Uncheck Client for Microsoft Networks, File and Printer Sharing for
Microsoft Networks, and DLC Protocol since these services are not supported
on the mainframe (Figure 5-8). Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click
on Properties.
Figure 5-8. Adapter Properties for TCP/IP direct Connect
26 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
7. Enter an IP address and Subnet mask to be associated with this link on the server.
This is the address a mainframe-based application will use to establish contact
with the Windows 2000 server (Figure 5-9). The address must be in the same IP
subnet as the address assigned to this link on the mainframe.
Figure 5-9. TCP/IP Properties
8. Click OK two times to finish defining TCP/IP properties for this link.
TCP/IP Direct Connect 27
Deleting a Link
To remove a previously installed TCP/IP Direct Connect link from Windows 2000,
you must uninstall the TCP/IP Direct Connect Adapter. This is accomplished using
the Device Manager in the Windows 2000 Computer Management utility (Figure
Figure 5-10. Removing a Link
28 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Windows NT
The following step-by-step procedure will install the TCP/IP Direct Connect and
configure it for use without MPC+. Installation and configuration of TCP/IP Direct
Connect using MPC+ is discussed in the “MPC+ for Windows NT Installation
The PBSA driver must be installed before TCP/IP Direct Connect (see Page 10).
1. From the Windows NT Control Panel invoke Network configuration (Figure
Figure 5-11. Invoking Network Configuration
2. Click on the Adapters tab (Figure 5-12). Make sure the adapter is listed. If not,
you must install the adapter before installing TCP/IP Direct Connect (Refer to
Page 8).
TCP/IP Direct Connect 29
Figure 5-12. Adapter List with ESCON Adapter
3. Click the Add button to add a new adapter. The Select Network Adapter dialog
box will display a list of adapters included with Windows NT (Figure 5-13.).
Figure 5-13. Select Network Adapter
4. Click the Have Disk button. The Insert Disk dialog box will display (Figure
30 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Figure 5-14.Insert Disk
5. Insert the TCP/IP Direct Connect diskette into your floppy. Click OK.
6. The Select OEM Option dialog (Figure 5-15) will display TCP/IP Direct Connect.
Click OK to install the driver.
Figure 5-15. Select OEM Option
7. The TCP/IP Direct Connect Adapter Properties screen for Channel-to-Channel
(CTC) link type (Figure 5-16) will display. If MPC+ for Windows NT is installed
on the server HSAS and MPCPTP link types will be active. Otherwise only the
CTC link type will be available. Please refer to the “MPC+ for Windows NT
Installation Guide” for information on configuring HSAS and MPCPTP.
TCP/IP Direct Connect 31
Figure 5-16. Adapter Properties
You must define the Link type and Link properties in order to complete the
install. Please refer to the Link Configuration section later in this chapter.
8. After defining the fields click Close to save your values and return to the Network
Adapters screen (Figure 5-17).
Figure 5-17. Network Adapter List
with TCP/IP Direct Connect
32 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
9. Click on Bindings. Show bindings for all adapters (Figure 5-18). Check that only
the TCP/IP Protocol is bound to the TCP/IP Direct Connect Adapter. Disable any
other service or protocol bound to TCP/IP Direct Connect.
Figure 5-18. Adapter Bindings
10. Click Close to end network configuration. Windows NT will perform an
automatic bind process. TCP/IP Direct Connect is bound to Microsoft’s TCP/IP
stack on the server. When Windows NT attempts to perform this bind, the
standard Microsoft TCP/IP Properties dialog box will display (Figure 5-19).
Figure 5-19. TCP/IP Properties
TCP/IP Direct Connect 33
11. Use your mouse to select TCP/IP Direct Connect from the list of Adapters bound
to TCP/IP (Figure 5-20).
Figure 5-20. Select TCP/IP Direct Connect
12. Enter an IP Address and Subnet Mask; defining the address that the mainframe
will use to communicate with the server (Figure 5-21). Note that the mainframe
IP address and this address must be in the same subnet. Also remember that if
Microsoft IP forwarding is to be used in the server, this IP address must be in a
different subnet than the LAN adapter(s) that Windows NT is to route between.
Generally, there is no need to enter a Default Gateway since this is a point-to-
point connection. However, in some environments it may be necessary to specify
the mainframe’s IP address as the default gateway.
34 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Figure 5-21. Assigning an IP Address to the ESCON Adapter
13. Click OK. Windows NT will complete the binding process and prompt you to
reboot the server. You must reboot for network changes to take affect.
Installation of TCP/IP Direct Connect is complete.
TCP/IP Direct Connect 35
Link Configuration
Figure 5-22. CTC Link Properties
Figure 5-22 shows the properties that must be configured for CTC Links.
Complete these fields as follows:
Mainframe IP Address – The IP address of the mainframe this connection is to
communicate with. This must match the HOME IP address assigned in the
TCP/IP Profile.
Link Description – A description of the link being defined.
Channel Adapter – Use your mouse to select the PCI ESCON Adapter this
connection is to be defined on.
ESCON Path – Use your mouse to select a path from those defined for this
ESCON adapter. If no paths are available, you will have to define the ESCON
configuration. Click on Configure ESCON… Refer to Chapter 4.
Read Device – Select the device from the list of available devices on the selected
Path. The device must be the first of two consecutive devices that will be used by
this connection. If no devices are available, click on Configure ESCON…
IOBufferSize – The IO Buffer Size is defined in the Mainframe’s TCP/IP
configuration. The value entered in this field must be between 8192 and 65535
and must match the value defined on the mainframe. In the mainframe TCP/IP
Profile this value is set with either the LARGEENVELOPEPOOLSIZE or
IOBUFFERSIZE parameter depending on the version of TCP/IP in use. The
recommended IOBufferSize for CTC connections is 65535.
36 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
MTU – Maximum Transmission Unit must match what is defined on the
mainframe for this connection or packet loss will occur. The recommended MTU
for CTC connections is 32000.
To configure MPC+ links, either HSAS or MPCPTP, please refer to the MPC+ for
Windows Installation Guide.
TCP/IP Direct Connect 37
Mainframe Configuration
This section discusses configuration of the mainframe for use with TCP/IP Direct
Connect over a Channel-to-Channel (CTC) link. Mainframe configuration for
Communications Server, SNA Server, TCP/IP Passthrough for Windows NT, and
MPC+ for Windows is discussed in the user’s guide that accompanied each individual
OS/390 Device Definition
As discussed in the previous section, TCP/IP Direct Connect over CTC uses two
adjacent sub-channel addresses.
The two sub-channel addresses must both be defined to the mainframe as Serial
Channel-to-Channel (SCTC) devices.
OS/390 Version 2 Release 4 and above uses the HCD Configuration Utility, a menu-
based interactive program to complete this task. Refer to the OS/390 HCD User’s
Guide for instructions on using HCD.
Make sure the Subchannel Address field on the TCP/IP Direct Connect Properties
screen points to the device address in the ESCON Configuration for a SCTC device
that has been defined in HCD (see Figure 5-23).
OS/390 Parmlib Update
You must turn off the missing interrupt handling processes in OS/390 for the device
addresses being used for TCP/IP Direct Connect. To do this add the following
statement to the SYS1.PARMLIB(IECIOSxx) member:
MIH TIME=00:00,DEV=(xxx-yyy)
where xxx-yyy defines the range of devices being used by TCP/IP Direct Connect.
38 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
TCP/IP Profile
TCP/IP Direct Connect links require the IBM TCP/IP protocol stack running on your
System/390. Your TCP/IP Profile will need to be modified to support the new link.
The following is an example of the entries required to define a connection:
; CTC connection
; Direct Routes - Routes that are directly connected to my interfaces.
; Network First Hop Link Name Packet Size Subnet Mask Subnet Value
Figure 5-23 shows a properly configured adapter for a mainframe with two logical
partitions (0 and 1) and a server with TCP/IP Direct Connect configured for each
Device pair (00,01) is used for LPAR 0 and device pair (02,03) is used for LPAR 1.
TCP/IP Direct Connect 39
0 BTI200
First-hop Driver
Packet-size Subnet-mask
TCP/IP Profile – LPAR 0
First-hop Driver
Packet-size Subnet-mask
TCP/IP Profile – LPAR 1
Figure 5-23. Multiple TCP/IP Direct Connect ESCON Configuration
40 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
TCP/IP Routing
TCP/IP Direct Connect is a Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) compliant
adapter driver. TCP/IP Direct Connect makes the PCI ESCON Adapter appear
exactly like any other Network Interface Card (NIC) to the Windows server. As a
result when TCP/IP Direct Connect and a PCI ESCON Adapter are installed along
with one or more Local Area Network (LAN) adapters the Windows server becomes
a multihomed system.
Microsoft’s Windows 2000 and NT TCP/IP protocol stack is capable of performing
static IP routing in multihomed servers. Static IP routing may be used to route
TCP/IP traffic across the PCI ESCON Adapter to the IBM mainframe. This chapter
discusses how to configure both your network and Windows server to take advantage
of this capability.
Sample Configuration
Figure 5-24. Network with 2 Subnets
Figure 5-24 shows a simple network made up of two sub-networks connected by a
router. A single Windows server is installed on the Token Ring. Windows 95 and /or
98 is installed in all workstations. An IP subnet mask of is being
used to allow for four subnets with IP addresses as follows:
TCP/IP Direct Connect 41
Subnet 0
Subnet 1
Subnet 2
Subnet 3 – – – –
As shown, the Ethernet segment makes up subnet 0 and the Token-Ring makes up
subnet 1. Subnets 2 and 3 are currently not used. The router’s Ethernet port is
assigned an IP address in Subnet 0 and the Token-Ring port is assigned an address in
subnet 1.
Workstations on the Ethernet LAN are configured with their Default Gateway set to Workstations and the server on the Token-Ring have their Default
Gateway set to
Adding a TCP/IP link to a mainframe from the server in this environment is easy and
straightforward. Figure 5-25 shows how the network might look after a PCI ESCON
Adapter and TCP/IP Direct Connect have been added to the server.
Figure 5-25. Installing TCP/IP Direct Connect into Network
Notice that a new IP address has been assigned to TCP/IP Direct Connect
( and to the Mainframe ( These addresses are both
part of subnet 2 which was unused before the ESCON adapter was installed. The
addresses must both be in the same subnet in order for Microsoft TCP/IP to send
TCP/IP traffic across to the Mainframe. If the mainframe were in a different subnet
than TCP/IP Direct Connect, TCP/IP would incorrectly attempt to identify an IP
address for a gateway in order to get to the mainframe.
Figure 5-26 shows the TCP/IP Direct Connect Configuration for this example.
42 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Figure 5-26. TCP/IP Direct Connect Configuration Screens
Notice also that the subnet these two addresses are in is different than the subnet of
the server’s LAN adapter ( Microsoft’s TCP/IP stack can be
configured to automatically forward IP packets between network adapters as long as
those adapters are in different subnets. However, Microsoft’s TCP/IP cannot forward
packets between to adapters when the IP addresses are in the same subnet.
Please refer to Microsoft documentation for information on configuring TCP/IP to
perform IP Packet Forwarding.
To complete the network configuration add a static route to the router between the
Ethernet and Token-Ring LANs that re-directs all traffic destined for
(the mainframe) to (the server). Since all workstations on both LANs
define the router as their default gateway they will go to the router when they want to
attach to the mainframe (because it is not in their subnet). For workstations on the
Ethernet LAN, the static route will be used to forward the messages to the server. For
workstations on the token-ring, the router will see that the server and workstation are
in the same subnet and send an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Route
message to the workstation to update its route information. Future packets for the
mainframe will be sent directly from the workstation to the server (
TCP/IP Direct Connect 43
Updating Workstation Configurations
In most existing networks today it will not be necessary to update the TCP/IP
configuration on a workstation in order to allow it to connect to the mainframe using
an ESCON adapter and TCP/IP Direct Connect. Most workstations already point to
an existing router and/or server as a default gateway and that will be all that is
The one notable exception to that rule is a single segment LAN with no
gateways(Figure 5-27).
Figure 5-27. Simple Network with No Gateways.
In this situation it will be necessary to modify the TCP/IP Properties for all
workstations requiring access to the mainframe through TCP/IP Direct Connect.
Assuming the token-ring adapter in the server in Figure 5-27 is configured with an IP
address of, Figure 5-28 shows a sample Windows 95 TCP/IP
Properties configuration to access the mainframe through the gateway.
44 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Figure 5-28. Windows 95 TCP/IP Properties
TCP/IP Direct Connect 45
If your PCI ESCON Adapter fails to initiate successfully this chapter will provide you
with some general troubleshooting guidelines to help you identify and fix your
If after you have been through this troubleshooting chapter you are still unable to
make your adapter work properly please refer to the section titled “Help and Service
Information” on page 53 for information on obtaining help.
The ESCON adapter includes two Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) on the back edge of
the adapter. These LEDs are located just below the ESCON connector and can be
used to help isolate whether a problem is hardware or software related.
Each LED will illuminate in one of three colors. The top LED illuminates Red,
Yellow, or Green. The bottom LED illuminates Red, Orange, or Green. When the
server’s power is turned on both LEDs should always be illuminated. Table 6-1
summarizes the use of each LED.
Color \ LED
Power Off
Bottom LED
Power Off
POST in Progress
Emulation Loaded,
Channel Offline
POST Failed
Emulation Not Loaded
Channel Online
POST Ran Successfully
Table 6-1. Status LED Summary
As soon as the system is powered on, under normal operation the ESCON adapter
executes it’s own Power On Self Test (POST) and then loads the emulation firmware.
Follow the steps below to determine if the adapter has powered on successfully and is
Troubleshooting 47
1. With your server powered on, check to make sure both LEDs are lit. If the top
LED is Green and the bottom LED is Orange then the adapter has successfully
completed POST and loaded firmware. This is the normal condition prior to
starting the software. The adapter is operational. The bottom LED will remain
Orange until the server is varied online at the mainframe console.
Proceed to the troubleshooting section on ESCON configuration. If either LED is
off, power down your server, remove the adapter, and re-install it. Make sure the
adapter is properly seated in the slot. Power the server back on. If the LED(s)
remain unlit, contact your service provider.
2. When your server is first powered on both LEDs will briefly turn Red. When the
adapter starts running Power On Self Test (POST) the top LED will illuminate
Yellow. Once POST completes, the top LED will illuminate Green if POST was
successful or Red if POST failed.
Watch the top LED as your system powers up. Verify the top LED goes from
Red to Yellow to Green. If the top LED remains Red or turns Yellow and then
Red again the adapter is not working properly. Power down your server and re-
install the adapter. Power the server back on. If the condition repeats itself
contact your service provider.
If the top LED is Yellow and the bottom LED is Red wait for 5 minutes to see if
the status changes.
3. When the top LED turns Green, POST has completed. The adapter’s Intel 960
processor will then load the device emulation (either 3172 or 3174). The bottom
LED indicates the status of the emulation.
When the adapter is first powered on the bottom LED should be Red. This is a
normal indication that the emulation has not loaded. The LED will remain Red
while POST runs. Once the top LED turns green, indicating POST has been
successful, the bottom LED should quickly turn Orange.
If the top LED is Green and the bottom LED is Red wait for one minute. If the
bottom LED remains Red, the emulation has not successfully loaded. Perform a
hardware reset (or Power Off / Power On) of your server. If the problem persists
contact your service provider.
4. If you have checked your software configuration and are still not able to vary the
system online, check your ESCON cable. Make sure both ends are properly
seated. Unplug both ends. Plug them back in. Be sure you hear them click when
you insert them into the connector.
48 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
ESCON Configuration
When the adapter loads the emulation it also loads the ESCON device configuration
(see Chapter 4.). This configuration must match the configuration defined on your
In Windows 2000 you may display an ESCON adapter’s device configuration using
the Device Manager in the Computer Management utility (Figure 6-1).
Figure 6-1. Displaying Adapter Properties
In Windows NT use the Network ICON on the Control Panel to display the server’s
network adapters (Figure 6-2).
Figure 6-2. Network Adapters
Troubleshooting 49
Highlight the ESCON adapter and click Properties.
Figure 6-3. ESCON Device Configuration
The ESCON Devices tab shows the devices configured for this adapter.
Verify that the units defined here match those defined on the mainframe. Make sure
you are using the correct device numbers in upper layers of software. Correct any
discrepancies you find and reset the server.
50 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
TCP/IP Direct Connect
If TCP/IP Direct Connect is configured with a link type of HSAS or MPCPTP,
please refer to the section titled “Troubleshooting” in the “MPC+ for Windows NT
Installation Guide”.
In Windows 2000 the easiest way to tell if TCP/IP Direct Connect has failed to
activate is to look at the system’s console(Figure 6-4). Since TCP/IP Direct Connect
is seen as a LAN connection by Windows 2000, a disconnect icon will display if
TCP/IP Direct Connect is not active.
Figure 6-4. Windows 2000 Console
If TCP/IP Direct Connect fails to activate using a Channel-to-Channel (CTC) link
type, here are some suggestions of things to look at:
1. Verify that the Mainframe IP address specified in the TCP/IP Direct Connect
Properties screen (Figure 6-5) matches the IP address assigned as the Home
address in the TCP/IP Profile on the mainframe (Figure 6-6).
Troubleshooting 51
Figure 6-5. TCP/IP Direct Connect Properties
; CTC connection
Subchannel Address
Home IP Address
; Direct Routes - Routes that are directly connected to my interfaces.
; Network First Hop Link Name Packet Size Subnet Mask Subnet Value =
Server’s IP Address
Subnet Mask
Figure 6-6. Mainframe TCP/IP Profile
2. Verify that the subchannel address defined in the TCP/IP Direct Connect
Properties screen (Figure 6-5) points to the correct device in the ESCON
configuration so that the Unit subchannel address assigned in the ESCON
configuration matches the DEVICE statement of the TCP/IP Profile (Figure 6-6).
In the example, ‘a40’ indicates a channel address of ‘a’ and a subchannel address
of ‘40’. Keep in mind that a CTC link actually uses two subchannels. Specifying
‘40’ implies that both subchannel ’40’ and ‘41’ will be used for this link.
3. Verify that the IP address and subnet mask defined in the Microsoft TCP/IP
Properties screen (Figure 5-19) match the server’s IP address and subnet mask
defined in the TCP/IP Profile as a direct route for this link (see Figure 6-6).
4. Verify that the mainframe’s IOCP has two consecutive devices defined as type
“SCTC” (serial Channel-to-Channel) with the first of these devices having a
subchannel address matching that defined in the DEVICE statement of the
TCP/IP Profile (Figure 6-6).
52 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Help and Service Information
If you have questions about your new Bus-Tech product, or require technical
help and information through the Bus-Tech’s Technical Support line, Monday
through Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00pm Eastern time. Response time may vary depending
on the number and nature of the calls received.
Step 1: Problem Solving
You may be able to solve the problem yourself. Before calling the Technical
Support, please prepare for the call by following these steps:
1. If you are having installation or configuration problems, refer to the detailed
installation and configuration sections found in this manual and review any
README.TXT files found on the installation disk(s).
2. Visit the Technical Support section of the Bus-Tech Web site specific to the
product you have purchased. Updated installation instructions, hints, and tips,
software, or updated system-specific notes are often published in this section.
3. Visit the applicable Web page for the computer you are installing the product on.
The computer vendor’s web site may also contain useful hints and tips related to
installation of hardware / software.
4. Uninstall, and then reinstall the product. During the uninstall process, be sure to
remove any files that were installed during the previous installation and reboot the
5. Review Chapter 6. Troubleshooting.
Step 2: Preparing for the Call
To assist the technical support representative, have available as much of the following
information as possible:
1. Product Name.
2. Product Release number.
3. Product Serial Number.
4. Computer manufacturer and model.
5. Exact wording of the error message (if any).
6. Description of the problem.
7. Hardware and software configuration information for your system.
Help and Service Information 53
If possible, be at your computer. Your technical support representative might want to
walk you through the problem during the call.
Step 3: Placing the Call
If you call after your warranty or maintenance contract has expired, you might be
charged a fee.
Support 8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday-Friday
U.S.A. / Puerto Rico
From Outside the U.S.A.
Additional Technical Support Resources
Online technical support is available through the Internet during the life of your
Online Technical Support
Bus-Tech Web Site
54 PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Customer Response
If you have comments or suggestions regarding our products and documentation,
please send them to:
Or, call us at: (781) 272-8200 FAX: (781) 272-0342.
Bus-Tech PCI ESCON Adapter Installation Guide
Sixth Edition (January 2001)
Part Number 40-01459-D0-001
Help and Service Information 55
Technical Specifications
Physical Attributes
Standard Full Size PCI Adapter
Length 12.283”
Height 4.2”
Power Requirements
5.5 Amp. at + 5V DC
20 mAmp. at + 12V DC
20 mAmp. at - 12V DC
Operating Temperature
10 o - 40 o C
Humidity Range0% - 90%
PCI 2.1 Compliant
Serial Port
On Board Emulations
3174 (for SNA)
3172 (for TCP/IP)
3490 (for data movement applications)
3088 (for data movement applications)
Available Device Drivers and APIs
Optional Data Link Drivers
Microsoft’s Windows 2000
Microsoft’s Windows NT
Midrosoft’s Host Integration Server
Microsoft’s SNA Server for Windows NT
IBM’s Communications Server for Windows NT /
Bus-Tech MPC+ for Windows
Technical specifications 57
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